Someone tried to frame Sheila the 80's lady and take her elusive drag career . apparently some greedy lil fag no names mentioned..... but sources say.........another entertainer ..... in desperate need of money..... had called the tip hot line to turn the sweet innocent lip sync diva in........
After finishing her first number ( which should have been I'm in chains...) poor Sheila was escorted out by 2 of Jacksonville's finest...... with applause from the crowd who assumed it was a gimmick.
Pasty white, Sheila explained how ridiculous it was to assume she had touched a 12 yr old boy. Now those of us knowing Sheila would know this is absurd: first of all the boy was white! Sheila as you know--- likes her mens like her coffee. or should i latte she do like em fat to!!!
There is no crime as cutting as betrayal, especially from one's own tribe. In this case, a badly dressed tribe of outcast gypsies. But Miss Sheila was given the Judas Kiss by another man in a dress.
After perusing the evidence, The First Lady will say, ---in defense of the Judas Queen who turned her in,---- the pic does vaguely look like Sheila right down to the bad 80's madonna wannabe hair. (Looking more closely, make that madonna wannadie wig.....)
Sheila could not be reached for comment so I'm assuming she was let go after a line up of 80's tribute performers, and the cast of Menudo.
A source tells Miss Wade that Sheila is pursuing a law suit against the accuser as well as officers for defaming her name...(good luck with that honey, after that wig, child molester would be a step up) But regardless, the gentle reader can count on Miss Wade to stand up for the rights of even the most downtrodden. Miss Sheila is the sweetest little old thing that every missed a lesson in makeup!
Finally she can get the breast she's always dreamed of and a personal autograph of her idol Madonna (or more likely --MacDonalds) who knows?......well off to do mayhem.....remember if you cant say anything nice...... come sit by me......
the first lady
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