Bigboned and Bossy received a threatening missive from Homeland Security earlier today. Apparently there was some very well guarded secrets which BB&B accidentally disclosed in an earlier posts.
The Interior Department of Drag, whose director reports directly to President Obama, sent over a couple of Jackbooted thugs to threaten Blossom O Toole at her day job (seen above---squint a little and think carol channing wig and blue eye shadow). After hours of Waterboarding, It was finally determined that she could yeild no useful information.
Immediately afterwards a similar situation unfolded at the Riverside Mansion of Miss Karissa Wade (the First Lady of Jacksonville) when two extremely mannish looking Homeland Security types showed up with immigration officials and demanded to know the whereabouts of a mysterious translation program which had been leaked into the world of Latina Drag.
They were given a copy of Rosetta Stone and lessons in how to mouth the word "Watermelon" to any song.
Miss Wade wants her devoted followers to know that she will not be terrorized by the likes of these thugs and will continue to post the Truth (and even the half truths) with the same award winning journalistic integrity that has made this site the favorite reading of Sarah Palin.
Power to the people.
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