Recently everyone has decided it is Miss Wades job to hear all their problems. Children I have problems of my own. Do I look like Anne Landers? Try having ya good praying knee go out while trying to worship our sweet baby Jesus. You know how sister Catherine is always trying one up me. You know the one with store bought hair and the Publix pie . She always says is home made. How can I compete if i can even kneel? And don't get me started on relations, that old Abner still trying get relations .At my age if there's a warm feeling in my lady parts I better check my depends . Talking about there's still a sex life after 6o. why yes last time i thought i was having sex i realized i had rolled over on my right breast. It had be sex or a stroke. I bought a push up bra recently push up bra hmmph , looked like i had shoulder pads in my best Sunday dress. One deacons kids asking me if i played foot ball. Wanted get a autograph. Well I digress , my point is not everyone wants hear ya troubles. When someone says how are you its being polite. Same thing as saying "oh bless your heart" really means who cares. well love and light children . I gotta go get Abner away from TV . Every time he watches those dang work out videos he gets heart palpitations . Then its realtions talk all over again. Bless ya bye. Miss Wade