Hello kiddies as you know Miss Wade is all about jokes laughs and fun. Recently however the visit of Honey Boo Boo and family has sparked much national news. First released here on Big Boned and Bossy last Tuesday the family came to see Miss Wades comedy bingo . Was a fun time at Hamburger Marys , labeled by some as a gay burger joint . Marys is a place where all walks of life are welcome the only labels stressed there are fun, laughs and tolerance. Most of the articles were nice and on point . However ,the comments left after the articles are simply appalling . It is one thing to attack myself , gays , her parents , uncle etc . We are adults , the attack however on a 7 year old little girl is just sad. I was surprised to see such sites as TMZ and E News allowing this cyber attack get so viscous. We forget yes shes on TV in a manner of which some deem crude however , when those cameras are off she still a little girl . Think about if that was your child , niece , daughter ? Would you be so quick to pick up the proverbial stone? There are 4400 deaths per year in youth suicides, according to Yale university study. The study goes on to say 10 to 14 year old girls are at higher risk and 2-9 times more likely if cyber bullied. You don't like the show fine that is the great thing about cable it carries more than one channel . Shame on you for allowing the comments on your site. And shame on you who post such cruel things about a little child. to the point of saying "shes a meth head " , or that "shes a gross little pig ", or should be beaten and killed. one person even went as far as to call her "trash ,and a common nigger ". really? these are the things to say to a kid? News sites? these are the things you allow posted ? This speaks of you as badly as it does the people who post it. Take responsibility and take it down or at least filter it . We as a people preach tolerance but are willing to drive a child to tears. Your being a bully simple as that hiding behind the guise of freedom of speech. It is not freedom of speech its freedom of hate . I do know the person you see on stage or on camera usually is not the same person in real life. Try to remember star or not a the end of the day , she is still a child . a little 7 year old girl with with feelings now back to your regular scheduled program . Miss Wade