Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Holidays Gays and the Baby Jesus
Miss Wade loves the Holidays about our Lord. Recently at charity fundraiser for needy children Miss Wade discovered the homosexuals were sculling the good name of the baby Jesus. Did you know the gays even call each other Mary? The very name of our lord and Savior . I clutch my pearls as I think of all the yule tides that have become gay. There is even a drag queen at Hamburger Marys who hosts a x-rated bingo and calls the winning prize " dildos for Jesus" . Now Miss Wade knows the good book of our savior , and never ever has Corinthians mentioned gods work with Latex. Did David slay Goliath with a vibrator? Did Moses part the Red sea with a giant black double headed dildo? Now don't get me wrong I have read the verse "spare the rod spoil the child" . now as you know Christians do not take anything form the good book out of text. the good book says love thy neighbor . During this holiest of holidays Miss Wade is loving and praying for the souls of those sinful bingo goers . Join her in protest every Tuesday at Hamburger Marys at 7:30 . The only vibrating and thumping Miss Wade will be doing is shouts of jubilation for the good lord and holy spirit. Happy birthday baby Jesus.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Miss Wade was eye raped at Florida Theatre
Mother of Jefferson Davis! The horrors I have seen will not soon be forgotten.
Miss Wade was recently asked [while out doing her missionary work for troubled wayward boys (age 17-23) for the Missionary Evangelical Methodist church of Our Lady in Chastity Belts, Jedidiah Lutheran Ecclesiastes] if she would host a function at the historical Florida Theater.
Feeling anointed and blessed that someone had recognized her work for the Lord, she humbly accepted.
So she and Mortimer, her faithful husband of many, many year,s donned their Sunday best for a night at the theater.
Mortimer wasn't to keen on being taken away from his radio repair hobby. Miss Wade often watches him as he works on gently turning the knobs and caressing the circuits. Hard not to fondly reminisce of days gone by...
Finally Miss Wade had arrived at the majestic Florida Theater.
She found Vincent, who is apparently their Maitre'd, who took her to her dressing area and explained she would be addressing the crowd and introducing a production called Rocky Horror Show.
Miss Wade had to quickly explain I had never seen this theater show, which appeared to have been made with questionable quality.
However , being a lady of the stage and numerous revivals I was quite sure I could handle the task.
Who knew the horrors her eyes would see!?!?
After being introduced, Miss Wade stepped onstage to a roaring crowd.
According the the bellhop, Vincent, it was filled almost to capacity and even more were coming in.
Miss Wade (who started reading from a cheat sheet that listed who was in the movie year first shown 1975 ). was astounded, when--- from the back of the room she clearly heard "bring on the virgins" .
Her Christian ears must be deceiving her, she thought..
Then the crowd started screaming Virgins! Virgins!
Was this a movie about Communion and the Virgin Mary?
Alas no, as became horribly clear, once the house lights went up .
What Miss Wade was forced to watch, nearly frozen in fear, missing not a single detail--- was out the very gates of Hell.
Women in their unmentionables. Miss Wade clutched her pearls, "the devil is alive" she could hear repeating in her head, no doubt a Word of Knowledge.
But, Children of Christ, that was not all .
There were men….Men!.. in women's clothing!
Sodomites apparently. Sodomites every where.
Before Miss Wade could react she was swarmed on stage, She grabbed her Chanel number 5 and started spraying profusely---turning it (through the power of the holy spirit) into a three hundred dollar bottle of holy water in order to rebuke this satanic hoard .
The stage was filled with lust crazed women and men.
Some of whom Miss Wade wasn't sure could be called which.
Were they going to sacrifice these sin filled heathens?
The fact that the Theatre itself was in cahoots with these satan worshipers was made clear when Balloons were brought on stage and sex acts were simulated.
Miss wade fainted right there. When she came to, there was a a man on stage in garters and hose inviting people to do something called the "time warp ".
Well surely she had been warped to the time of Armageddon. Where was Mortimer?
As the demonically inspired horde started in their unseemly gyrating, Miss Wade was doomed to yet another revelation, in a Night of Revelations. (beginning about chapter 20)
There was Mortimer in Miss Wade's best under garments prancing around .You could see everything even his tallywhacker .
Oh all that is holy! Miss Wade must have come under Demonic Oppression herself is all she can think of.
Miss Wade revived back to consciousness on Adams street in nothing but a bra and panties.
And a party hat.
Some man in a corset and stockings was wearing her pearls.
Oh lord, Miss Wade remembers thinking: "It's Mortimer!"
Pray for this city!
Rocky horror has single handily tore the moral fiber (and apparently the hymen of several young women who Miss Wade will discretely refrain from mentioning, Miss Todd) completely asunder.
Mortimer is now in the Go Straight for Jesus program being de-homosexualized.
Pray for Miss Wade, gentle readers.
In her fragile state, she was being ogled and eye raped.
This never would have happened if George W was still in office.
Thanks Obama.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
What does " PRIDE" mean to you
Miss Wade found herself asking this very question this week. I was recently offended over not being on my jobs float for parade. I was worked up to a frenzy. I stopped and asked myself what does pride mean? Is that really something to be worked up about? When did pride become about being in a parade or partying. We forget those who paved the way for us, some even dying so that we may even have a parade. The first LGBT bar I ever went to in Clarksville tn, the bartender was murdered in the bars bathroom for being transgendered. The police took it as one last queer to deal with, that she brought it upon herself. What of people like Harvey Milk, who died believing not in special rights but equal rights. All week long I have heard people talking about how drunk or how high they plan to get. I wonder how many people you could ask this week if they knew people such as Harvey Milk are. How many would even know what Stonewall was? How many turned out to city council as they voted to once again take our rights away? Stop and even ask ya self who made it possible for me now to be openly gay. Better yet, who is fighting for our rights now? We cant know our future if we don't know our past. I'm happy to see the strides we are all taking. How wonderful it is to be openly gay. There was a time not so long ago being gay could very easily get you killed. This week as we embrace as brothers and sisters, take time to think about how we got to where we are. We aren't where we are going to end up being but, we are better than we were before. Pride for this ole girl means happy to be the person I was meant to be and loving the people who are on this great journey with me. I thank all who came before me, and all of you who may come after me to fight the good fight of equality for all, thank you for standing your ground. A heartfelt thanks to all who are fighting today. Happy Gay Pride everyone. MISS WADE
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Cyber Bullying of 7 year old reality star honey boo on TMZ and E News

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Honey Boo Boo came to see Miss Wade at Hamburger Marys.
Honey child you better Redneckinize......... Miss wade had a blast last night at Hamburger Marys Jacksonville. As you know I was hosting my usual save the masses christian saint bingo for the needy. Who should appear but miss honey Boo Boo , Poodle, momma sugar bear. Miss wade was as giddy as banny rooster with tube sucks honey. We had a wonderful time enjoying communion of burgers fries and my usual Smirnoff smoothie. They were super sweet, even donating funds to the anti bullying campaign. I'm definitely now a huge fan. Well time to go wash my biscuit. See y'all Thursday for the next bingo hosted by Momma wade .Every Monday Tuesday and Thursday at Hamburger Marys bingo for the children.

Sunday, May 26, 2013
Third world prison , witch trials, and saving the masses

Sunday, March 17, 2013
Reflections of a time gone by

Monday, March 11, 2013
Rearended by the Devil in a infiniti
Oh mother Jefferson Davis! While on my way to comfort the sick Miss Wade was rear ended by the devil , Lucifer , Beelzebub anyway you wanna call it . It was the Devil wears Prada , well knock off Prada. Miss Wade being of the Lord was on her way to help feed the hungry . I had cooked up a mess of greens for the unfortunate. As i sat in my Lincoln , listening to "One day at a time sweet Jesus" . I noticed a car at a irate speed barreling down on me . James I yelled! James is my driver. He looked up as did I . you could see the devil in this bleach blond lady's face. Shes coming right for us. Was all I could do to clutch my pearls and brace for the impact. After the crash my driver James had whip lash. Lord now who will drive me to the social? When James opened my door , I stepped out, yes he's hurt, but ladies as myself don't open our own doors. I managed to capture my composure , what in the name of all is holy do you think your doing? I said to this woman . By her dress you could tell she was probably a Methodist. That would explain the driver. either that or shes on her way to a meth lab both tend to be as evil. She proceed to tell me she had looked down to check directions from her phone. My reply being ever so cordial was "And your directions said run right up my back door?" Honey I know this is old fashioned , but have you ever heard of a map? I would have slapped the fear of God into had she not just injured my good praying arm . However my dialing arm was intact I'm dialing ask Gary get him on my side .We waited for the police to finally arrive. upon their arrival she immediately explains who her husband is. to the unsuspecting officer , I exclaimed I don't care if your husbands the dress wearing Pope , whose fixing my Lincoln? James my driver , was taken in ambulance. of course being the christian woman I am , I was gravely concerned. After all I did have lot of errands to run. I was gonna be in need of a driver. So this is Miss wades circumstances , what to do . I heard this Hamburger Mary's on beach does charity bingo every Monday and Thursday . I guess may need one for my Lincoln . tell your momma , I asked about her.
lords blessings Miss Wade
Monday, February 25, 2013
Ride for a Cure

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Miss Wade Sold Into Hamburger Charity Slavery
Now anyone who knows The First Lady of Jacksonville, knows that she hesitates before indulging in even the mildest form of swearing. Strong language is the tool of a weak mind after all, but Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Miss Wade regrets to exclaim and inform her reading public that there is Human trafficking at Hamburger Marys!
Your fragile chanteuse wouldn't have believed it, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes.
Surely there cannot be a living person in Jacksonville who is unaware that Miss Wade is a tireless advocate for Civil Rights. For the record, she even thinks that women should vote. So one can imagine my dismay upon hearing this torrid, horrid rumor. Since I do not like to simply believe the worst unless I have a personal foundation for known, I had to go down and see this travesty myself---over the years, the habits of being the good Christian woman have become more pronounced, I am happy to inform. (Miss Todd, I am looking directly in your direction)
Sure enough, there were hordes of young people lined up like Daniel and Shadrak Mishak and Abednigo (its a scriptural reference to the book of Daniel that she feels should need no further explanation to bible believers) to be fed the the fat of the land (straight from the altars of Ba'al) like cows to the slaughter.
Much to my surprise and horror, I cannot even describe the bevy of boys and girls, ------some of Jacksonville's most brilliant and eligible. In bondage. To sin. They were being sold off at auction. Shameless!
Miss Wade was stung to action.
"Tell Pharaoh! Let my people go!" I exclaimed and physically liberated one particular fine young thoroughbred who needed saving. (And who better for the task, one asks, than Miss Wade). There was a mighty battle as I wrestled the young Spartan off of the auction block and dragged the brainwashed young victim to a nearby room. One dark enough for him to be able to perform an act of contrition without shame. After I convinced him to get down on his knees, he opened his heart and mouth for nothing short of a revelation.
Imagine Miss Wade's surprise when (struggling) he explained the nature of his sins.
You may envision the discomfort of The First Lady upon realization of her mistake.
There was nothing to do except knock the young man unconscious and hope that he would develop amnesia.
Apparently the seemingly criminal proceeding was not a slave auction at all-----at least not openly. The 'promoters' claim that is is merely a 'fund raiser' for Jacksonville's most needy charities.
Shamefully, the most beautiful young Bachelors and Bachlorette in Jacksonville's Gay, Lesbian and otherwise lettered community are being auctioned off for a date. All money raised will go to each charity.
Miss Wade took pity for the fine young stallion. She scrambled. Actually scrambled through her very best church purse to see if she could pay the sinners price for him and save him from the clutches of the sinful bidders on his virtue.
Alas, all she could find was an EBT card, a coupon for Golden Corral, and some anti fungal cream.
But she was committed to
They demanded instead that to Miss Wade lend her fund raising skills to the auction as hostess and MC.
What a quandary. What a damned quandary.
With trembling fingers, she signed (in blood) on the dotted line of the infernal contract. She had no other choice. Perhaps she should have read the finer print, however, as it clearly implies that she will be forced to auction Herself off---if funds are raised quickly and bountifully enough.
Heavens! Merciful Heavens! As her readers know, Miss Wade's "raising" skills are legendary. Her many years as deacon's wife for Oral worship of the Christ on a Cross Epiphany Holy Evangelical Church of the Saints and Apostles have given her all kinds of experience..
She is known world-wide for her strange tongues and and her handling of many snakes in all shapes and sizes. In fact there isnt a variety of snake that the First Lady hasnt had reason to handle--- from Asian to Anaconda.
All of that experience will be put roundly to the test. It will have to save her from the shameful position she is in. And so will you, gentle reader. You will have to save her.
So come out this Sunday and see the Lawd work in mysterious ways.
Starts sharply at 8 pm Hamburger Mary's. Love offering to be given to Miss Wade at beginning of event. Come be blessed and anointed by and for Miss Wade!
Monday, February 4, 2013
"Dildos for the Lord" at Hamburger Mary's
Miss Wade finds herself in a bit of a dilemna inasmuch as she approves (in theory) of the free expression of sexuality in all forms----no matter how many Republican Lawmakers are swept out of office in disgrace as a consequence. However, she must confess that her experience at Hamburger Mary's "Bordello Bingo" has her questioning whether or not she can wear her darling little hat for Sunday Morning Church and Fellowship in good conscience. Truly the 'game'--And Miss Wade uses that word in the loosest possible sense (no pun intended, honest) would make Linda Lovelace demand to review the terms of her contract. For those of you too young to remember Miss Lovelace, she was a famous Republican Senator from Ohio---And rumor has it, a fellow worker in the trenches with local City Councilwoman Kimberly Daniels (the demon buster)
But enough about kneepads and halos. Miss Wade is deeply concerned about the raunchy and wild nature of the show. Things that shouldnt be discussed unless they require a subpoena and threat of imprisonment occur with alarming frequency, and no, Miss Wade is not referring to the accounting practices of Erotica Cooper (and really, is this any kind of name for a grownup?) She is referring to shocking displays of sexual hardware and products that seem intended more for the filming of Saw than anything romantic or intimate.
Truly. Miss Wade has been made aware that there is an entire industry of people who make distorted models of the male sex organ out of latex and rubber. At first she thought these things were crude props intended for medical symposiums, but she has had her eyes opened (widely, it bears noting) Really. People can be so morbid.
Miss Wade will spare you the details of the sordid uses to which these 'sex toys' are put, but she will tell you that she has launched a campaign to remove these dangerous objects from the hands of people who cannot be trusted with them and distribute them to people of Christian and wholesome character.
A large assortment of these disgusting prosthetics will be liberated from the clutches of evil doers and given out to audiences (to be destroyed immediately of course) every Tuesday Night at 8pm (18 and up) at Hamburger Mary's.
Wont someone please think of the Children?
Love and Prayers
Miss Karrissa Wade.
But enough about kneepads and halos. Miss Wade is deeply concerned about the raunchy and wild nature of the show. Things that shouldnt be discussed unless they require a subpoena and threat of imprisonment occur with alarming frequency, and no, Miss Wade is not referring to the accounting practices of Erotica Cooper (and really, is this any kind of name for a grownup?) She is referring to shocking displays of sexual hardware and products that seem intended more for the filming of Saw than anything romantic or intimate.
Truly. Miss Wade has been made aware that there is an entire industry of people who make distorted models of the male sex organ out of latex and rubber. At first she thought these things were crude props intended for medical symposiums, but she has had her eyes opened (widely, it bears noting) Really. People can be so morbid.
Miss Wade will spare you the details of the sordid uses to which these 'sex toys' are put, but she will tell you that she has launched a campaign to remove these dangerous objects from the hands of people who cannot be trusted with them and distribute them to people of Christian and wholesome character.
A large assortment of these disgusting prosthetics will be liberated from the clutches of evil doers and given out to audiences (to be destroyed immediately of course) every Tuesday Night at 8pm (18 and up) at Hamburger Mary's.
Wont someone please think of the Children?
Love and Prayers
Miss Karrissa Wade.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
The Return of Miss Wade and a video tribute to Don Redman, Jacksonville City Council.
She is back, and she has a bone to pick. A big and bossy bone. And unfortunately a fat starved, bossy bone. A few months ago, Miss Wade decided to check herself into a fat farm. Now lest the more waggle tongued among you shake something loose near your tonsils, let her stop you before you engage the source of many of your toothsome incomes into something as unprofitable as false gossip about the First Lady of Jacksonville.
She did not check into a fat farm for the usual reasons. No, it was in the pursuit of journalism and justice. Contrary to rumor, Miss Wade does not struggle with negative feelings about her luscious though primly toned figure. After all, it is not she who has been asked to leave the Golden Corral on Southside in a debilitating and embarrassing manner on three separate occasions (yes, you left your wallet, "anita" and you were identified to the Authorities.) for stuffing her Walmart manufactured 'purse' with unpaid for cuts of prime d beef.
Golden Corral overindulgence after an unsuccessful attempt to displace Miss Wade from her perch at Hamburger Mary's aside, Miss Wade checked into what she assumed was a reputable fat farm only to find out that she had been abducted and sold into slavery, bound for the Middle East.
Apparently there are some very wealthy men with oil wells who will spend obscene amounts of money for the possibility of, well, shall we say 'comingling' with beautiful women from America. And Miss Wade was a victim of just such a loathly enterprise. Flattering though the attempt might have been from a certain point of view, it is certainly beneath the dignity befitting the First Lady of Jacksonville to consider working without a contract for strange men.
Consequently she found herself imprisoned in the Haj Dubai, without a friend in the world except for the massage boy, a hair stylist, two personal assistants, a nutritionist, and a really very interesting kind of pedicure expert (more on that later).
And room service. When they felt like it. And they were always very snippy and refused to speak anything other than foreign gibberish.
With nothing more than a can of low fat tuna (in spring water) a pair of strappy high heel shoes and a 'Sherizade" costume, Miss Wade was forced to escape the country of Dubai and flee across the desert in order to rejoin her Christian tribe here in Jesusville.
The Documentary of her Escape from Dubai was recently aired on the CW's "In The Pits" television show, using actual footage from the whole ghastly affair.
Anyways, she is working very conscientiously to restore her former level of professional labor in the publication of Big Boned and Bossy, and hopes to have all the office boys with their hands full within short order.
Until then, she certainly hopes that you enjoy her favorite new music video, which she has dedicated to Jacksonville City Council Jerk, Don Redman.
With love and affection,
Miss Karrissa Wade
the First Lady of Jacksonville
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