Well Miss Karrissa Wade is shocked at some of the rude and ungracious comments in this thread.
She most certainly is upset about suggestions brought out by Shane Denmark posing as 'Merge' that the article posted on bigbonedandbossy was somehow attacking him.
The First Lady of Jacksonville does not attack the poor, the virtuous or total strangers, and she does not know Mr. Denmark, and could not identify him on the streets if she tried. She has nothing bad to say about him, nor does she have anything bad to say about anyone who has ever worked on the Pride Committee.
She knows that God knows his own, and does not need the help of Miss Wade to judge mankind. She will stand aside and let her Father do his Business.
Miss Wade is also concerned that some in our community have characterized her as 1. Bitter, 2. Mean. 3. Bitchy. 4. A Drag Queen.
She is not a Drag Queen. She is a performer. She has no comment on the first three.
However, the failures of the Pride Committee cannot be pinned so easily on her hair or disposition, no matter how fabulous a wig she might be wearing, While Miss Wade might posess a pair of shoes capable of ending western civilization, she is saving them for a special occasion and they have not been brought out of the box yet.
Therefore she cannot understand why her name has been dragged around town as a contributing factor to the hot water that some people feel they are in over the cancellation of this years Pride Events, or the mystery surrounding the accounting for thousands of dollars of money.
It is not, after all, Miss Wade's money.
It belonged to the entire Community. When Miss Wade needs thousands of dollars, she hangs out in hospitals and waits for older doctors to happen by.
What Miss Wade does care about, and she cares deeply about it, is World Peace, the healing power of love, and a well designed float for her to preside over during the Pride Parade.
Miss Wade is saddened by the obvious effort and the cruelty which has been shown on the part of the entire world to make so many victims out of gay pride volunteers and employees.
As a longtime volunteer in this community for many years, she is only glad that somehow she was spared these feelings of victimization. She has seen her share of donations and volunteered performances, she has carried the costs of many shows and travel expenses, she has helped out with patronage and money and love and care, and most of all a glad heart.
And the good Lord has blessed her. He has filled her heart with the natural gladness that comes with knowing that you have done something for your fellow soldiers. No thanks were necessary, no payment required. No pats on the back, even if they were a little lower. She has always been glad to give her time and her love to the people that have supported and loved her back all of these years.
So she hopes that people know how sad she is that some people have been burdened rather than lightened by their service, and she condemns this terrible fact. Condemns!
No glad and thoughtful servant should be so abused that they come to hate everyone in their own community.
This is a time for healing.
She hopes that everyone on this site will take a moment and project pure rays of love at the Pride Community. She hopes that everyone will join her in a prayer that the mysteriously missing money will be found, that the legal troubles will be over, and that God will bless us all as we celebrate PrideFest 2009, next year, in 2010.
We just need to come together, and move on as one big happy family. As always Miss Wade is ready and waiting to give of her time and effort. But more importantly, of her love and prayers.
We deserve better. And if we can all just take a little responsibility (and hire an accountant) we will have better.
Karrissa Wade
The First Lady of Jacksonville
August 6th, 2009.